Friday, September 21, 2007

Welcome UDub at GDub

Whats up guys... I'm T-Bun. It's a nickname, don't ask how I got it because I hate telling the story. Just go with it. You can call me whatever you want: T-Bun, Bun, Bunny, anything that rhymes with bun pretty much. I'm a freshman from Philly and I'm a fan of all Philadelphia sports, especially the Eagles. Because I'm such a huge Eagles fan, I'm going to give you the official Eagles fight song:

Fly Eagles fly
On the road to victory
Fight Eagles fight
Score a touchdown 1, 2, 3.

Hit 'em low
Hit 'em high
And watch our Eagles fly

Fly Eagles fly
On the road to victory


I know that was stupid and you don't care, but whatever. I liked it. Anyway, you're probably wondering what else I like besides the Eagles. Well I love volleyball. I play for GDub's club team and I'm convinced that volleyball is the greatest game ever invented. The second greatest game ever invented is Guitar Hero. Yes, I'm absolutely filthy at it. Yes, I can beat Free Bird on expert. If you ever want to play just stop by my room because we play all the time. My favorite food is, yes you guessed it... Philadelphia Cheesesteaks. If you've never had a legit cheesesteak from Philadelphia (not the gross ones from Burger King or Pita Pit), then you haven't lived. Every time I take a bite it's like a party in my mouth. Well I guess that's it for today. I'm home for the weekend so I won't see any of you around campus. Hope everyone has a good weekend. See ya Monday.



caroline said...

Good post. Can you include a link to my homepage on your mainpage? That way we can navigate back and forth more easily.

Also, Geno's or Pat's?

T-Bun said...

They're both awesome but if I had to choose I would go with Pat's... My favorite is actually Steve's. Wiz witout.